What does += mean in Java?

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What does += mean in Java?

What does += mean in Java?

The += operator is a commonly used operator in the Java programming language. It is a shorthand way of performing an addition and assignment operation on a variable. In this article, we will explore what the += operator means in Java and how it can be used in your code.

What does += mean in Java? The += operator is a compound assignment operator that is used to add a value to a variable and reassign the result to the same variable. This can be written as variable += value, which is equivalent to writing variable = variable + value.


For example, consider the following code snippet:

int x = 10;

x += 5;

In this example, the value of x is initially set to 10. Then, the += operator is used to add 5 to x and reassign the result to x. After this operation, the value of x is 15.


Other compound assignment operators in Java:

In addition to the += operator, there are several other compound assignment operators in Java that can be used to perform arithmetic operations and reassign the result to a variable. These operators include:

  • -=: Subtracts a value from a variable and reassigns the result to the same variable.
  • *=: Multiplies a variable by a value and reassigns the result to the same variable.
  • /=: Divides a variable by a value and reassigns the result to the same variable.


For example, the following code snippet demonstrates how to use these operators:

int x = 10;
x -= 5; // x is now 5
x *= 2; // x is now 10
x /= 2; // x is now 5


When to use the += operator in Java:

The += operator can be a useful shorthand for performing an addition and assignment operation in Java. However, it is important to consider when to use this operator versus a traditional assignment statement.

One tip is to use the += operator when the value being added is already stored in a variable. This can make your code more concise and easier to read. For example:

int x = 10;
int y = 5;
x += y; // equivalent to x = x + y


On the other hand, if the value being added is a literal or constant, it may be more clear to use a traditional assignment statement. For example:

int x = 10;
x = x + 5; // more clear than x += 5

In summary, the += operator is a compound assignment operator in Java that is used to add a value to a variable and reassign the result to the same variable. It is important to understand the use of this operator in order to write effective and efficient Java code. In addition, there are other compound assignment operators that can be used for different arithmetic operations. By considering when to use these operators versus traditional assignment statements, you can improve the readability and clarity of your code.

10 Tips on how to use compound assignment operator in Java:

  1. Use the += operator to concisely add a value to a variable and reassign the result to the same variable.
  2. Consider using other compound assignment operators, such as -=, *=, and /=, to perform arithmetic operations and reassign the result to a variable.
  3. Use the += operator when the value being added is already stored in a variable, as this can make your code more concise and easier to read.
  4. Use a traditional assignment statement if the value being added is a literal or constant, as this may be more clear.
  5. Remember to use parentheses when combining multiple compound assignment operators in a single statement to ensure that the operations are performed in the correct order.
  6. Be aware that the += operator can also be used with String variables to concatenate strings.
  7. Use caution when using the += operator with variables of different types, as type casting may be required.
  8. Remember to use the correct syntax when using the += operator, including placing a space between the operator and the variables or values being operated on.
  9. Consider using the += operator in loops or other control structures to repeatedly perform arithmetic operations on a variable.
  10. Use the += operator appropriately in your code to make it more efficient and easier to read. Overall, understanding and using compound assignment operators can greatly improve the quality of your Java code.


The += operator is a useful compound assignment operator in the Java programming language that allows you to concisely perform an addition and assignment operation on a variable. By understanding how to use this operator, as well as other compound assignment operators such as -=, *=, and /=, you can improve the efficiency and readability of your code. It is important to consider when to use these operators versus traditional assignment statements, and to remember to use the correct syntax and consider any potential type issues when using them. By following these tips and best practices, you can effectively incorporate compound assignment operators into your Java code and take your programming skills to the next level.


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