How To Sort By Date In Google Sheets

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How To Sort By Date In Google Sheets

How To Sort By Date In Google Sheets

Sorting data in Google Sheets is a fundamental aspect of data management and analysis. By organizing data in a specific order, you can easily find, compare, and analyze important information. When it comes to date-based data, the process of sorting by date becomes even more critical. Dates are often the basis for a variety of data analysis and reporting activities, and sorting by date is essential to making sense of this information. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of how to sort by date in Google Sheets, including understanding the date column, basic sorting techniques, and advanced sorting methods.

Whether you are working with a simple list of dates or a complex set of data that includes dates, Google Sheets provides a range of options for sorting your data by date. Whether you need to sort data in ascending or descending order, sort by quarter, month, or year, or use advanced sorting techniques, this article will provide you with the information you need to get started.

In this article, we’ll cover various related keywords such as “date formatting”, “ascending order”, “descending order”, “multiple columns”, “quarter”, “month”, “year”, “custom order”, “date range”, “weekday”, and “weekend”. These concepts are essential to understand when sorting date-based data in Google Sheets, and we’ll explore each one in detail to help you master the art of sorting by date in Google Sheets.


Understanding the Date Column

Before you can sort by date in Google Sheets, it is important to understand the date column. One of the first things to consider is the formatting of the date column. It is recommended to use the default date format in Google Sheets, which is MM/DD/YYYY.

Formatting the date column

  • Choosing the right date format: The date format you choose will determine how the dates appear in your sheet. It is important to choose a date format that is easily recognizable and makes sense for your data.
  • Applying the date format to the column: Once you have chosen the right date format, you can apply it to the entire column by selecting the column and then going to Format > Number > Date.


  • Differences between date and text formatting: It is important to note that date values in Google Sheets are different from text values. If a date is formatted as text, Google Sheets will not be able to sort it correctly. To ensure that your dates are correctly sorted, it is important to make sure that the date column is formatted as a date.
  • How to convert text to date format: If your date column is currently formatted as text, you can easily convert it to the date format. To do this, simply select the column, go to Format > Number > Date, and then choose the appropriate date format. Google Sheets will automatically convert the text values to date values.


Sorting By Date in Google Sheets

Once you have formatted your date column, you can sort your data by date. There are several ways to sort by date in Google Sheets, including sorting in ascending or descending order, sorting multiple columns, and sorting by quarter, month, or year.

  • Sorting in ascending order: To sort your data in ascending order, simply select the column with the dates, go to Data > Sort sheet A-Z, and then select the A-Z sort order.
  • Sorting in descending order: To sort your data in descending order, simply select the column with the dates, go to Data > Sort sheet Z-A, and then select the Z-A sort order.
  • Sorting multiple columns: If you have multiple columns of data and you want to sort by more than one column, you can do so by selecting the multiple columns, going to Data > Sort sheet A-Z, and then selecting the appropriate sort order for each column.
  • Sorting by quarter, month, or year: If you want to sort your data by quarter, month, or year, you can use the SORT function. To sort by quarter, you will need to create a new column that displays the quarter of each date and then sort based on that column. Similarly, to sort by month or year, you will need to create a new column that displays the month or year of each date and then sort based on that column.


How To Sort By Date In Google Sheets 2023


Advanced Sorting Techniques

In addition to basic sorting techniques, there are also several advanced sorting techniques that you can use in Google Sheets to sort by date. These include sorting with custom order, sorting by date range, and sorting by weekday or weekend.

  • Sorting with custom order: To sort by a custom order, you will need to create a custom sort order. To do this, you can use the SORT function along with an array formula. With this technique, you can sort your data by any custom order you choose, including sorting by date range, weekday, or weekend.
  • Sorting by date range: To sort your data by date range, you can use the FILTER function. With this technique, you can sort your data based on specific date ranges, such as sorting by dates in the last month, the current quarter, or the current year.
  • Sorting by weekday or weekend: To sort your data by weekday or weekend, you can use a formula to add a column that indicates whether each date is a weekday or weekend. With this information, you can then sort your data by this new column.


10 Tips When Using Sort By Date In Google Sheets:

  1. Start with Proper Date Formatting
  • Before you sort your date-based data in Google Sheets, it’s important to make sure your dates are formatted properly. This will ensure that your dates sort correctly and that you get accurate results.
  1. Sort by Ascending or Descending Order
  • You can easily sort your date-based data in Google Sheets by ascending or descending order. Simply click on the sort button in the toolbar or use the “Sort A-Z” or “Sort Z-A” options in the Data menu.
  1. Sort by Multiple Columns
  • If your data includes multiple columns, you can sort by multiple columns to get a more complex sort order. Simply select the columns you want to sort by, and then use the “Sort sheet A-Z” or “Sort sheet Z-A” options in the Data menu.
  1. Sort by Quarter, Month, or Year
  • You can sort your date-based data by quarter, month, or year to get a more focused view of your data. Simply use the “Sort sheet A-Z” or “Sort sheet Z-A” options in the Data menu, and select the quarter, month, or year option.
  1. Use Custom Sort Order
  • If you need to sort your data by a custom order, you can use the SORT function along with an array formula. This technique allows you to sort your data by any custom order you choose, including sorting by date range, weekday, or weekend.
  1. Sort by Date Range
  • You can sort your data by date range using the FILTER function. This technique allows you to sort your data based on specific date ranges, such as sorting by dates in the last month, the current quarter, or the current year.
  1. Sort by Weekday or Weekend
  • You can sort your data by weekday or weekend by adding a column that indicates whether each date is a weekday or weekend. With this information, you can then sort your data by this new column.
  1. Use Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Keyboard shortcuts can save you time when sorting by date in Google Sheets. For example, you can use the “Ctrl + Shift + 1” keyboard shortcut to format your data as a date.
  1. Consider the Context of Your Data
  • When sorting by date in Google Sheets, it’s important to consider the context of your data. For example, you may want to sort your data by the month and year, but not by the day.
  1. Remember to Save Your Changes
  • Finally, remember to save your changes after sorting your data in Google Sheets. This will ensure that your data remains sorted and that your changes are preserved.



Sorting by date in Google Sheets is an important aspect of data management and analysis. Whether you’re sorting by ascending or descending order, multiple columns, quarter, month, or year, custom order, date range, weekday or weekend, it’s important to make sure your dates are properly formatted and to consider the context of your data. Additionally, keyboard shortcuts and the FILTER and SORT functions can help you save time and get the results you need. By following these tips and best practices, you’ll be able to sort your data effectively and make the most of your date-based information in Google Sheets.



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